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Have a resume that's in need of an update?

That means you have a resume that is functional and professional that needs to include your latest position, requires minor changes or have the design updated to a more contemporary look.

(This differ to the Resume Full Edit which is a full revamp of your document)

Resumes often cost between $400-900 dollars but we have a tried and true system that means we can offer a much more competitive price. Why? Because we start with your current document and remaster it. Our writers are published professionals and HR specialists, with experience in over 12 different industries.


Step 1: Place your order


Step 2: Email your current document in WORD format to:


What we include:

- Minimum 1.5 hours of work by a published author and copywriter, with 20 years HR, Recruitment and Management experience.

- Contemporary design refresh

- Format correction

- Content update

- 2 completed versions in WORD and PDF


- Our first draft turnaroud time is between 4-5 working days from the time of order, but we always try to get it back to you asap. If you have a short deadline, just let us know.


Resumes are no longer simple lists stating your experience and employment, they are marketing documents.  They market you to your potential employer and either get you to interview stage, or not. 


That makes them extremely important.


If you say YES to any of the questions below, then you need a Resume Update:

- It your resume just standard text with no design elements?

- Is your address at the top of the document in prime real estate?

- Do you have 'referees upon request'?

- Do you have an entire first page dedicated to your name/contact details?

- Do you have a general 'objective' statement?

- Have you formated your document in 'tables'?


Get ready to give your next job application your very best shot!



Resume Update

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